
Archive for the ‘Grammar/Mechanics’ Category

UFLI Resources for Older Students

What instructional resources do teachers need to supplement UFLI for Older Students? Many intermediate and upper elementary, middle school, high school, and adult literacy teachers, who are using the UFLI (University of Florida Literacy Institute) Foundations program for reading intervention, are searching for UFLI resources for older students.

UFLI Foundations (usually referred to by teachers as “UFLI”) was designed, field-tested, and studied as a core K-2 program. The program has quickly become the go-to structured literacy program for science of reading-oriented teachers.  The scripted directions, free cost (except for the $70 teachers manual), and supplemental teacher and parent resources make UFLI a near-perfect program selection for K-2 Tier 1 instruction. I would use it if I were teaching K-2.

However, for teachers using UFLI for older students, supplementary resources are needed.

Reasons Teachers Need to Supplement UFLI Lessons for Older Students

Reason #1. The UFLI Foundation lessons are only 30 minutes each. UFLI is a word recognition (phonics, spelling, etc.) program only. Older students need the upper strand of Scarborough’s Rope, as well: Language Comprehension. Teachers may wish to check out The Science of Reading Intervention Program: Language Comprehension to supplement UFLI for older students.

Weekly Language Comprehension Activities:
  1. Background Knowledge: Mentor text bell ringers
  2. Vocabulary Worksheets: Academic language, Greek and Latin morphology, figures of speech, connotations, multiple meaning words with the Diagnostic Academic Language Placement Assessment.
  3. Syntax in Reading
  4. Reading Comprehension: Strategies and expository animal articles, composed in tiered grades 1-7 levels with inferential questions
  5. Literacy Knowledge: Narrative and expository genre and text structure
  6. Greek and Latin Morphology: Guided lessons with anchor words
  7. Executive Function and Study Skills

Reason #2. The decodable passages are not age-appropriate for older readers.

I asked Dr. Holly Lane, UFLI director, in a FB group post whether the Foundations program is appropriate for older intervention students, and she answered, “If they don’t know it, they need what UFLI provides.”

I certainly agree that if students don’t know the reading basics, they need to learn them. However, how they learn the reading basics matters.

For example, let’s compare a UFLI decodable passage to a story from my Sam and Friends Phonics Books. Both decodables introduce the long /a/ sound-spellings.

Following is the UFLI Lesson 84 passage, introducing the “ai” and “ay” sound-spellings (Note: The “a_e” sound-spelling is introduced in Lesson 54.)

Sunday Fun

On Sundays, Gail visits her brother at his farm. Gail loves to go to the farm because there is so much to do. She starts the day in the garden. If it did not rain, she sprays the plants with water.

Then, Gail and her brother walk on the trail from the garden to the pond. As they walk, Gail hunts for snail shells. When she finds shells, she tucks them in her pocket. She will paint them when she gets home.

At the pond, her brother likes to fish. He strings bait onto his fishing pole and waits for a bite. While they wait, Gail plays in the mud and clay.

At the end of the day, they walk back up the trail to go home. As they walk, they see the sun set and the day fade away.

© 2022 University of Florida Literacy Institute


Let’s compare the UFLI long /a/ passage to my Sam and Friends Phonics Books decodable. Notice the additional practice, word fluency, and comprehension supports to introduce the long /a/ “a,” “a_e,” “_ay,” “_ai,””eigh” spellings.


© 2021 Pennington Publishing View all 54 Sam and Friends Phonics Books here (the above jpg it too hard to read):

Which lesson resource is more age-appropriate for, say a fourth or seventh grader in your reading intervention class? Simply put, older students who struggle with reading are fundamentally different than beginning readers. I’ve read through much of the UFLI manual and some corresponding decodables and they, fortunately, are not too babyish. However, the characters, plots, and themes do not deal with the interests of older students. In particular, the urban and ELL students I and many other teachers work with. Teachers may wish to check out all 54 Sam and Friends Phonics Books. Print, tablet, and phone formats. Preview every single book to see how these age-appropriate decodables will match the needs and interests of older readers.


But why supplement UFLI Foundations, when you can purchase the comprehensive reading intervention, specifically designed for older readers? Mark Pennington is the author of The Science of Reading Intervention Program–a full year word recognition and language comprehension program for ages-adult. Preview the entire program in the product description. Also, click the link to view a real-time video of a complete sample lesson.

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The Weekly Spelling Test

What does the research say about the weekly spelling test?

Spelling Lists and Tests

I often hear that weekly (or biweekly) spelling lists and tests with the traditional pretest-study-posttest methodology are “not supported by research” or are not “best practice.” Some teachers go so far to say that spelling lists and tests are “harmful.”

However, three renowned spelling experts seem to support this traditional methodology (citations follow at end of article).

Dr. Louis Moats: “Word lists organized by a concept or pattern of orthography; Test-study… then test on Friday… with immediate corrective feedback.”

Dr. Richard Gentry: “In every weekly unit, students take a pretest on the very first day. They find out what words they need to learn, focus on studying these unknown words, and take a Friday test to find out if they have mastered the unknown words. Our research based test-study-test cycle is an example of self-testing, which the study by Dunlosky and colleagues found to be the single most effective learning technique.”

Dr. Steve Graham: (In response to “What about the weekly spelling test?”) “If you have a spelling list that emphasizes, say like two or three patterns that you’re building off of through word sorts and learning, then you can learn about the underlying orthography, how letters and sounds are connected in English and that serves as a springboard for recognizing those kinds of patterns in words. We’ve got a meta-analysis of about 200 studies, and it would support that, as well.  If you break your spelling list into the patterns that are emphasized and that’s what the focus of your spelling instruction is–not just the memorization of words, it can make a difference.”

Now these researchers would agree that at the K-2 levels, spelling should be taught in conjunction with explicit, systematic phonics and writing  and not as a separate program. However, at 3rd grade and older, effective spelling instruction morphs (pun intended) into multi-syllabic encoding, advanced conventional spelling rules, spelling irregularities, Greek and Latin morphemes, and more. Additionally, intermediate and upper elementary, as well as middle school teachers will attest to the fact that many of their students still lack foundational spelling rules.

So, particularly for grades 3-8 students, how can we adapt the research-based pretest-study-posttest methodology to teach advanced spelling skills, while remediating any K-2 spelling patterns that students have not yet mastered? Can we use this methodology to differentiate spelling instruction and help older students keep up while they catch-up with efficient and easily-managed procedures and resources? Yes!

Follow the four-step weekly procedure used in my Differentiated Spelling Instruction grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 American and Canadian English spelling programs, and use the free resources.

1. Pretest: On the first day of each week, students take out a piece of binder paper for the spelling pretest. Dictate 15–20 grade-level spelling pattern words in the traditional word-sentence-word format to all your students on the first day of each week. No random, topical lists of colors, names of the months, etc. Have students self-correct from teacher dictation of letters in syllable chunks, marking dots below the correct letters, and marking an “X” through the numbers of any spelling errors. Don’t rob your students of this learning activity by correcting the pretest yourself. Immediate, corrective feedback is strongly supported by research.

2. Personalize: Students complete their own Personal Spelling List in Elkonin Sound Boxes to connect sounds to spellings in the following order of priority:

Pretest Errors: Students copy up to six of their pretest spelling errors onto a Personal Spelling List.

Last Posttest Errors: Students add up to three spelling errors from last week’s spelling posttest.

Diagnostic Spelling Assessment:

Administer the free Diagnostic Spelling Assessment to determine which previous grade-level spelling patterns your students have and have not mastered. Students add up to three unmastered spelling pattern words from this test.

Diagnostic American English Spelling Assessment: Print Assessment with “Normal speed” 22:38 and “Quick version 17:26 audio file links. Recording Matrix for Progress Monitoring

Diagnostic Canadian English Spelling Assessment: Print Assessment with “Normal speed” 18:53 and “Quick version 21:12 audio file links. Recording Matrix for Progress Monitoring

Writing Errors: Students add up to three teacher-corrected spelling errors found in student writing.

Supplemental Spelling Lists: Students select and use words from the following resources to complete their Personal Spelling List. You decide how many words should be included on the list.

3. Practice: Explain the spelling patterns, applicable spelling rules, and provide examples. Students complete spelling sorts to identify similarities and differences among the patterns. Add additional words which conform to the spelling patterns for practice; it’s the spelling pattern that students are practicing, not solely the words themselves.

Writing context clue sentences can also be helpful, especially with commonly confused words. Quick spelling review games aid study. Make sure to model how to study by saying the sounds as students write their corresponding letters. Deemphasize the visual approach to word memorization. No spelling shapes, rainbow writing, write the spelling word 10 times.

For remediation, students complete spelling pattern worksheets on spelling patterns not yet mastered (indicated by the Diagnostic Spelling Assessment). In my programs, each self-guided worksheet includes an explanation and examples of the spelling pattern, a comprehensive spelling sort, writing application, and a one-sentence formative assessment. Students self-correct the worksheet practice and the teacher grades the formative assessment. The recording matrices help teachers monitor progress.

4. Posttest: At the end of the week, or to save class time, at the end of two weeks, posttest on the Personal Spelling List. Note that a biweekly posttest covers two spelling pretests. Students take out a piece of binder paper and find a partner to exchange dictation of their Personal Spelling List words. Monitor the testing to ensure that students aren’t cheating. If using the biweekly posttest, consider telling students to test only the even (or odd) number words from their Personal Spelling List to save class time. The teacher grades the posttests.

Grades 3-8 Spelling Scope and Sequence (American and Canadian English Versions)

Differentiated Spelling Instruction Grades 4-8

Differentiated Spelling Instruction

Many teachers want to create their own spelling lists, tests, and practice. To help grade-level teams do so, many teachers find this Grades 3-8 Spelling Scope and Sequence to be helpful. Both American and Canadian English Versions are included in this free download.

Get the Grades 3-8 Spelling Scope and Sequence FREE Resource:


Here, Dr. Moats is quoting and citing Schlagal, B. (2001). Traditional, developmental, and structured language approaches to spelling: Review and recommendations, Annals of Dyslexia, 51, 147-176.

In “Current Research on Spelling Instruction,” Dr. Richard Gentry describes the key instructional procedures in his “Spelling Connections” series and cites the following researchers:
Dunlosky, J., Rawson, K.A., Marsh, E.J., Nathan, M.J., & Willingham, D.T. (2013). Improving students’ learning with effective learning techniques: Promising directions from cognitive and educational psychology. Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 14(1), 4–58.
Dr. Gentry’s References at the end of the article include many supporting studies and meta-analyses Yes, all instruction is reductive. The spelling pretest-study-re-test procedure takes time away from other literacy learning.

On the 2-29-2024 Pedagogy Non-Grata podcast, teacher-researcher Nate Joseph asks noted writing expert, Dr. Steve Graham, the following: “Should I still do my weekly spelling test?”

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FREE Diagnostic Literacy Assessments

Diagnostic Literacy Assessments Grades/Levels 3-Adult

FREE Diagnostic Literacy Assessments

Teachers love these FREE Diagnostic Literacy Assessments because, unlike random sample screeners or inventories, these diagnostic literacy assessments are comprehensive and teachable. For example, what good is a 20-word spelling inventory that indicates a developmental spelling stage? Or a phonics screener that indicates vowel digraph strengths, but diphthong deficits? Or a mechanics assessment that indicates mastery of commas, but not capitalization?

Most teachers I know much prefer diagnostics that pinpoint specific literacy deficits. Wouldn’t you rather administer a 102-word spelling diagnostic that tells you which students have and have not yet mastered the ending stable syllables: sion, tion, and cian? Wouldn’t you prefer data on each of the six common long /e/ sound-spellings? Wouldn’t it be helpful to know specifically which comma rules do and don’t need to be taught/reviewed? We need these kinds of data to inform instruction. Tier 1 instruction should be robust and rigorous, but we can’t gloss over the fact that many of our students need efficient Tier 2 remediation.

A 2018 meta-analysis by Mathew Hall and Mathew Burns, of 26 experimental or quasi-experimental studies on reading interventions found: “Interventions were more effective if they were targeted to a specific skill (g = 0.65), than as part of a comprehensive intervention program that addressed multiple skills (g = 0.35).” In other words, interventions that targeted student deficits were approximately twice as effective!

Nate Joseph, 2024

Let’s target those specific skills! These FREE assessments are teacher-friendly with audio files, self-correcting Google forms and sheets (or print versions). They include corresponding recording/progress-monitoring matrices to provide the data teachers need to target instruction for grades/levels 3–adult.

Following are the FREE Diagnostic Literacy Assessments I would like to send to your inbox: 5 Phonemic Awareness, Alphabetic Awareness, Vowel Sound Phonics, Consonant Sound Phonics, Spelling (American or Canadian English), Grammar and Usage, Mechanics, 5 Academic Language, Fluency, Heart Words

What’s the catch? I’m a teacher-publisher (Pennington Publisher) and my programs target each and every diagnostically-determined literacy deficit with quality instruction, activities, and/or worksheets. Each of the FREE Diagnostic Literacy Assessment downloadable PDFs include corresponding program links. Plus, I’ll send out more periodic free resources via the Pennington Publishing newsletter.

Get the Diagnostic Literacy Assessments FREE Resource:

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FREE Transition Worksheets

Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics

Pennington Publishing Grammar Programs

With these FREE transition worksheets, students will learn to identify these syntactic tools in challenging reading text and join ideas, establish relationships, create logical connections between clauses, sentences, and paragraphs in their writing. The reading-grammar-writing connection is well-established in the research:

Syntax study can improve reading comprehension at the sentence level. (Scott & Balthazar 2003)

William Van Cleave’s Syntax Matters, 2017

Inadequate ability to process the syntax of language results in the inability to understand what is heard, as well as what is read. Beyond word knowledge, it is the single most powerful deterrent to listening and reading comprehension.

J.F. Greene, 2011

Fostering young writers’ awareness of the linguistic choices available to them in writing and how those choices differently shape meaning is developing their metalinguistic knowledge of writing.

Myhill, Jones, Lines, Watson, 2013

Language comprehension is one of the most automatic tasks that humans perform. Yet it is also one of the most complex, requiring the simultaneous integration of many different types of information, such as knowledge about letters and their sounds, spelling, grammar, word meanings, and general world knowledge. In addition, general cognitive abilities such as attention monitoring, inferencing, and memory retrieval organize this information into a single meaningful representation.

 Van Dyke, 2016

These 11 transition worksheets are organized by purpose: Definition, Example, Explanation or Emphasis, Analysis, Comparison, Contrast, Cause-Effect, Conclusion, Addition, Number or Sequence. Each worksheet includes identification within text (reading comprehension), fill-the-blank syntax practice (grammar), and application (writing). Answers provided.

To improve reading comprehension and writing sophistication, check out the reading, grammar, and writing resources from Pennington Publishing. Each product description includes a complete preview of each program.

Get the FREE Transition Worksheets FREE Resource:

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FREE Interactive Morphology Walls

Greek and Latin Morphology

18 Interactive Morphology Walls

If you are adding more morphology to your reading and ELA lessons, you will love these FREE Interactive Morphology Walls. Developed as a drag and drop Google slides activity, students combine high frequency prefixes, bases, and suffixes to form big words. Share the slides with students or work off the display projector to discover and create academic language words with 54 high frequency prefixes, bases, and suffixes. The author, Mark Pennington, has selected these 54 morphemes to combine into 18 memorable anchor words in 18 separate Interactive Morphology Walls. For example: un-sub-scribe provides the first 3 morphemes and combines to form the first anchor word. The author’ Comprehensive Vocabulary Grades 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 programs feature anchor word pictures, definitions, and etymologies. Of course, your students can do the same with the Online Etymology Dictionary.

Now you and your creative students will be able to combine the 54 morphemes into many more words than my 18 anchor words. Think of how many academic language words use the first 3 morphemes (un-sub-scribe) of the 54 in this free resource. And, yes, the Interactive Morphology Walls are easily editable to add more morphemes.

Most of our academic language words have one or more Greek or Latin word parts, so it makes sense to study them. Here is the terminology used with the Interactive Morphology Walls. We classify meaning-based word parts in three ways:

  1. The base provides the key meaning of the word. A free base can stand on its own as a word, such as form. A bound base can’t stand on its own as a word, such as vis, and it needs another word part before or after it to form a word.
  2. The word part that comes before a free base or bound base is a prefix, such as uni. Prefixes can’t stand on their own; they need to connect to a free base or bound base to form a word, such as in uniform. When we refer to a prefixes, spell them; don’t say them, because frequently the same prefix is pronounced differently in different words. For example, in the words, complicated and communication, the com prefix is said quite differently, though the meaning and spelling remains consistent .
  3. The word part that comes after a free base or bound base is a suffix, such as ible. Like prefixes, suffixes can’t stand on their own; they need to connect to a free base or bound base to form a word, such as visible. As with prefixes, spell suffixes; don’t say them, because although they are spelled the same, they are sometimes pronounced differently. Notice that the ible suffix has two vowel sounds and is classified as a stable syllable type.

Get the Greek and Latin Morphology Walls FREE Resource:

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Middle School Reading Intervention

If middle school students are non-readers or struggle with simple text, should we teach middle school reading intervention like we teach beginning readers?

Can’t I just use a beginning reading program like UFLI and adapt it to my MS students? They need to learn the same foundational skills?


Such questions are posted in Facebook group posts every day. Almost universally, comments are the same:


I used UFLI last year with my sixth-graders and saw tremendous growth.

If a MS student needs basic skills, you need to teach those basic skills.

2 + 2 =4. If a teenager doesn’t know this, there really isn’t any other way to teach it than you would to a first-grader.


Two schoolgirls and schoolboy (6-12) singing in row, close-up

The last 20 years of my career I served as an MS reading specialist. I certainly agree that MS students need to learn the same “skills” that beginning readers require e.g., segmenting, spelling, blending /c//a//t/, and connecting the word to background (prior and extended) background knowledge. If MSers don’t know it, they need to learn it. BUT…

MSers who struggle with reading and spelling are different than, say, first graders. And this fact should impact both WHAT we teach, and HOW we teach.

Quick examples: MSers have much greater oral language lexicons than primary students, much more advanced knowledge of syntax, more life experience, and different interests. These facts should impact WHAT we teach. So, perhaps /k//ou//g//ar/ instead of /c//a//t/ with passive voice sentence examples, comparisons to panthers, catamounts, mountain lions (synonyms) and related species.e.g., cheetahs, lions, tigers. You get the idea. WHAT we teach should be qualitatively different for struggling MSers than for beginning readers.

In terms of the HOW, MSers should benefit from accelerated instruction. Generally speaking, a MS intervention class ain’t a MSer’s first rodeo. Student may not have mastered the /ou/ in cougar, but they probably have been taught it several times before. Thus, generally speaking, less practice is required than for a 1st grader. This is also true for ML and EL learners. With their language experience, hurried instruction is possible. If the instructional pace is too slow, MSers quickly use interest and attention.

Additionally, we can’t forget to account for the trauma that struggling MS readers face to varying degrees. That PTSD-like trauma should influence our choice of instructional reading resources, our motivational strategies, and our approach to behavior management.

Older Age Decodables

I’ll never forget the teenager at the rear of a reading intervention class, chanting under his breath, /c//a//t/,  c-a-t, I am stu-pid. Or seventh graders looking through big-headed childish characters in decodables or practicing sound-spelling cards with cartoonist illustrations of “Tony the Tiger.”

So to end my preaching, before selecting an excellent K-2 word recognition program with hopes of adapting it to the WHAT and HOW needs of upper elementary, middle school, high school, or adult learners… consider another age-appropriate program.

Disclaimer: I’m the author/publisher of a reading intervention program for ages 8-adult. The following link will allow you to access the entire print portion of the program (not the corresponding Google slides):

The Science of Reading Intervention Program for Ages 8-Adults


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Phonemic Awareness for Older Students

Phonemic awareness openers are key instructional components for older students in The Science of Reading Intervention Program. Of course, the trick is that in your reading intervention, ELL, ML, SPED, or adult literacy class, you (no doubt) have three types of struggling readers:

  1. Some struggling readers have already mastered phonemic awareness.
  2. Some need minimal instruction and practice to solidify the sound-speech (phoneme) connection.
  3. Some will need intensive work (perhaps connecting to the phonological stage) to achieve this reading requisite.

The rest of this article will briefly explain how The Science of Reading Intervention Program addresses the needs of these students. However, first we had better quickly dispel the myth that phonemic awareness is only for pre-K and kindergarten. Some older students, even adults, do need training.

 “There is no age where a student is ‘too old’ for phonemic awareness training‒if the skills have not been mastered, the student should get training” (Kilpatrick, David A., 2016, Equipped for Reading Success).

Additionally, the latest research indicates that phonemic awareness is best taught and caught in the context of connections to letters (or sound-spelling graphemes to get technical) and not solely with auditory instruction. “They Say You Can Do Phonemic Awareness Instruction ‘In the Dark’, But Should You?” (2021). Additional meta-analyses have confirmed the importance of this connection and demonstrated that the two components of phonemic awareness that best transfer to reading are blending and segmenting.

For 1. Some struggling readers have already mastered phonemic awareness:

I designed the phonemic awareness lessons as quick, one-minute openers… language play on Google slides. Simply follow the directions on the slides. Students respond to your prompts in unison. All speech sounds have letter connections.

Now, much criticism has been directed at Dr. Kilpatrick for his advocacy of advanced phonemic awareness skills i.e., phonemic isolation, deletion, manipulation. True that research does not establish a link between these advanced skills  and reading acquisition. However, the good doctor’s response to critics does ring true to me that good readers do have these skills. Thus, my one-minute phonemic awareness lessons lessons feature phoneme isolation, addition, deletions, substitution, manipulation, and segmentation. Can’t hurt. And for those who have mastered the requisite reading skills of phonemic blending and segmenting, the latter three skills may be beneficial.

For 2. Some need minimal instruction and practice to solidify the sound-speech (phoneme) connection.

All too often, we teachers tend to spend too much time teaching what can be learned quickly and too little time teaching what requires more guided practice. For some (I would say many) older students, phonemic awareness can be mastered quickly. Older students have the advantage of more language than beginning readers in their oral language lexicons. The one-minute drills in my program will turn on the light bulbs in short order.

For 3. Some will need intensive work (perhaps connecting to the phonological stage) to achieve this reading requisite.

The program deals with the needs of these students in two ways. First, the explicit phonemic awareness lessons are combined with the explicit Say It! Spell It! Read It! sounds to print phonics lessons. Beginning with the sound i.e., Say It! reinforces phonemic awareness, and each of the 54 lessons provides a review of the phonemes introduced in the previous phonics lesson. Thus, the phonemic awareness drills assist phonics and spelling acquisition, and phonics and spelling practice improves phonemic awareness. Second, unlike other programs, The Science of Reading Intervention Program provides second-chance instruction. Midway through the full-year program, students take a battery of diagnostic assessments to determine mastery. For students still needing more intensive phonemic awareness practice (and for newly transferred students), 5 quick, whole-class phonemic awareness assessments with audio files determine which skills students need for group work. Corresponding activities include formative assessments.

Check out a sample phonemic awareness opener from my program for older students and see how easy it is to teach to all three types of your students!






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Free Science of Reading Lessons | ELL

Sam and Friends Phonics Books

Many ELL teachers are curious about the Science of Reading and (SOR) and, specifically, what a complete SOR phonics-based lesson looks like for their struggling readers. Following are two complete lessons (free) to study and try out with your students. Lesson 5 is a beginning short vowel /u/ focus, and Lesson 40 is a more advanced diphthong /ow/ focus. The lessons are 90 minutes each and include initial instruction and weekly review activities.

Each word recognition (phonics) lesson includes these instructional routines and resources:

1. Phonemic and Morphological Awareness
2. Blending, Segmenting, and Spelling
3. Sounds and Spellings and Heart Words Practice
4. Say It! Spell It! Read It! Word Chains:
5. Sam and Friends Phonics Books (Decodable texts on the lesson focus and review, featuring read alouds, comprehension questions, word fluency practice and timings, re-reads)
6. Elkonin Sound Box Dictations, Personal Sound Walls, and Morphology Walls



The author, Mark Pennington, is an MA reading specialist. Mark is happy to answer any questions about these lessons or how to implement SOR with your struggling readers. Email mark at

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