
Posts Tagged ‘Canadian English Spelling’

Canadian English Spelling Programs

Grades 3-8 Canadian English Spelling Programs

Canadian English Spelling Programs

Differentiated Spelling Instruction (the Canadian English Version) consists of separate grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 full-year spelling patterns programs. Each program in the series features weekly grade level word lists, tests, and spelling sorts plus diagnostically targeted worksheets to help students master previous grade level spelling patterns. In other words, students catch up while they keep up with grade level instruction. 

With this program, Canadian teachers can truly differentiate instruction for all students with maximum instruction and practice, using minimal class time.

The research-based program resources help students orthographically map the sound-spelling patterns and retain what they have learned. Students learn the conventional spelling rules, spelling-vocabulary connections, and foreign language influences they need to write with confidence. No silly themed lists of colors, animals, or words that end with “ly.”

This no-prep program is easy-to-teach. We even provide two quick YouTube training videos to ensure your success!

This program focuses on instructional spelling patterns. Most are consistent between Canadian and American English, but where they differ, students will learn the Canadian spellings with notations that American English differs. Canadians often muse about their spelling inconsistencies; however, the vast majority of Canadian spelling patterns are quite regular and dependable.

Differentiated Spelling Instruction features 30 weekly grade-level spelling word lists and tests. Each spelling pattern has a corresponding spelling sort. Quarterly summative assessments with progress monitoring matrices help teachers monitor individual and class mastery of the grade-level spelling patterns.

To address the needs of diverse learners, the program provides the comprehensive Diagnostic Spelling Assessment with recording matrix to help teachers individualize spelling instruction (includes printables, Google Forms, and Google Sheets). The corresponding 64 remedial spelling pattern worksheets each include a spelling sort, a word jumble, rhyme, and/or book search, and a short formative assessment to determine whether or not the student has mastered the spelling pattern.

The appendix also includes these spelling resources: sound wall printables, supplementary word lists, spelling review games, proofreading activities, spelling rules, and memorable spelling songs.

Now that’s effective differentiated instruction! Your students can catch up, while they keep up with grade level spelling instruction.

Teachers and administrators are invited to preview every page in all six spelling programs (grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8). Click HERE to view the programs and affordable pricing. Lifetime license per teacher. All digital. Both student workbook and teachers guide included. We also publish American English versions of Differentiated Spelling Instruction.

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